Home / Archives for May 2017

Effectively Handling Employee Complaints

Employee Complaints

Effectively Handling Employee Complaints It is a truism that not all people can be pleased, at least not easily or without some backlash in reply. This situation could not be even truer in the employer-employee relationship. Even the most smoothly-running workplace experiences situations where employees are dissatisfied with certain aspects of how their employer operates.…

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Employee Loans, Good Idea or Bad?

Employee Loans

Employee Loans, Good Idea or Bad? There is nothing unusual about an employee asking their employer for a loan, especially when faced with an emergency or financial hardship. Most employees prefer borrowing money from their employers as opposed to going for bank loans. This is attributable to the fact that the majority of businesses offer…

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How the Proposed Tax Reform Will Help Small Business Owners

Tax Reform

How the Proposed Tax Reform Will Help Small Business Owners During his campaign, President Trump made promises to cut taxes. On Wednesday, 26 April, the Treasury Secretary, and National Economic Council Director introduced the Trump Proposal. Although the proposal didn’t carry many details, it highlighted some changes that will be beneficial for small business owners.…

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3 Reasons I Love Working For My Boss

love my boss

3 Reasons I Love Working For My Boss I am terrified of leaving my current job. It’s not that I don’t think I’ll be able to find another; my resume is half-decent, and it can land me a job in several companies in my field. It’s that I don’t think I’ll be able to find…

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9 Mistakes Many New Business Owners Make


9 Mistakes Many New Business Owners Make Many small business startups fail within their first one to two years, and you certainly do not want to face this same outcome with your own business endeavor. As a new business owner yourself, you may be wondering what others did wrong that let to their demise. In…

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Why You Need a Business Plan

Business Plan

Why You Need a Business Plan One major mistake people make when starting a business is not drawing up a business plan, or rushing through the process and ending up with a plan that’s light on details and not very useful. There’s a misconception out there that you only need a business plan if you’re…

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7 Ways to Cut Expenses For Your Small Business

Cut Business Expenses

7 Ways to Cut Expenses For Your Small Business Running a small business is no doubt a risky job, especially just starting out. However, no matter the risk, you’ll always want to continue seeking out extra money you can put towards the healthy future of your company. Even if you can’t totally get rid of…

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