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The Basics of Outsourcing Payroll and Human Resources

The Basics of Outsourcing Payroll and Human Resources A company is run by a combination of different departments, chipping in to fulfill their responsibilities. The failure of one division can send the whole enterprise spiraling out of control. Unfortunately, not every business has the budget or the human power to maintain an in-house team. In…

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Is It Illegal To Pay My Employees Late?

Simple Payroll

Is It Illegal To Pay My Employees Late? Following the law regarding employee pay is important to avoid lawsuits and costly penalties. It is illegal to pay your employees late, and doing so could result in legal action. Here’s what you need to know about late payment of employees. Federal Law Regarding Late Payment The…

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Why Your Company Should Look Into Payroll Processing

Employee Handbook

Why Your Company Should Look Into Payroll Processing Operating a business is difficult and requires owners to take on multiple stressful, time-consuming responsibilities they may not have time for. Paying employees is one more responsibility for every business owner to deal with. Employees may loss morale, quit, talk bad about, or sue your company if…

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Everything You Need to Know About Accepting Chip Cards

Credit Card Chip

Everything You Need to Know About Accepting Chip Cards EMV, which stands for Europay, Mastercard, Visa, is a unique and high-tech payment method that is sweeping across the country and beyond. It involves the use of embedded microchips installed in consumers’ credit or debit cards. The purpose of the chip cards is to prevent many…

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