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B2B Online Marketing Basics

B2B Online Marketing Basics

These days, many business owners are thinking critically about what they can do to optimize their advertising campaigns. If this is the case for you, now is the time to tap into the power of utilizing B2B online marketing strategies. These strategies can be used to optimize conversion rates, expand your sphere of influence, and enhance communication with prospects. Read on to access several basic B2B online marketing techniques that can help your organization move forward in a dynamic way:

1. Build An Incredible Website.

As noted in Smart Insights, websites and online catalogues were ranked #1 in terms of decision marketing touchpoints by B2B customers. As such, you want your website to be as dynamic and distinct as possible. Luckily, web designers and developers can deploy multiple customized, cutting edge strategies to make this happen. These strategies will optimize your company’s website for key elements such as

  • Functionality
  • Cross compatibility
  • Engagement
  • Conversion
  • Relevance

2. Content, Content, Content.

If you’re serious about optimizing your online marketing efforts, get serious about the consistent creation of compelling content. The quality of your content is immensely important because it is one of the primary mediums that other business owners will examine to learn more about your company. For this reason, you want to optimize your content in any way you can.

One simple way to optimize your content is by making it scannable. As noted by the Nielsen Norman Group, most online readers quickly scan through content as opposed to reading it in entirety. As such, you want to include textual elements like numbered lists and subheaders to ensure that they can. Also consider the value of developing content that contains just one idea per paragraph so readers can quickly determine what each section is about. Finally, make sure that you use the inverted pyramid style of writing which involves beginning with the conclusion!

Another strategy you can implement to optimize your content is mastering the art of storytelling. As many marketing gurus know, telling a story is an incredibly engaging way to share the purpose and power of your brand with other business owners. There are many ways that you can optimize the storytelling process, such as by developing a high quality, cutting edge video that provides viewers with a short yet information-rich overview of how your company began and what it has to offer. Also make sure that your storytelling projects are not too self-referential. Specifically, make sure that the storytelling content you produce is bigger than you. This can include something like educating business owners about an industry-related topic in addition to sharing data about your brand.

3. Tap Into The Power Of LinkedIn.

If you really want to optimize your company’s online marketing efforts, make sure that you tap into the power of LinkedIn. This social media channel enables you to target professional audiences with stunning precision. By using LinkedIn, you’ll be able to filter important demographic data such as seniority, geography, company name, job function, industry, and more. You’ll also be able to do persona targeting so that you can reach key people such as business travelers, opinion leaders, and job searchers. As many marketing experts know, LinkedIn can be used for all of the following marketing processes:

  • Content marketing campaigns
  • Native advertising
  • Sales lead generation
  • Brand awareness

In addition to connecting with other business owners through social media channels like LinkedIn, be sure to explore social platforms such as:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest

4. Implement Public Relations Services.

In the minds of many people, public relations is distinct from online marketing. But as many advertising specialists know, PR is now an integral component of the online marketing campaigns being developed by industry experts. This is the case for numerous reasons, including the fact that many marketing gurus recognize the role that PR plays in making a business increasingly authoritative and influential in the online (and offline!) worlds. With this reality in mind, it’s a good idea to integrate PR strategies into the online marketing campaign that you devise. Some of the PR services you may want to invest in include:

  • Media Relations
  • Product Placement
  • Media Outreach
  • Editorial Placement
  • Content Creation
  • Media Training
  • Desk Sides
  • Press Collateral
  • Speaking Engagements
  • Grassroots Marketing
  • Partnership Opportunities
  • Media Round Tables
  • Digital Placements
  • Print Placements
  • Award List Monitoring
  • Press Kit Creation

These services will help optimize your business’s public image while also enhancing your ability to communicate effectively with key media representatives like influential bloggers, reporters, and journalists.

Don’t Delay: Start Using These Online Marketing Strategies Today!

If you’re serious about pushing your business forward in 2017, it’s time to start utilizing online marketing strategies to connect with other business owners. You can use some or all of the digital advertising techniques outlined above to make your organization increasingly successful in the ecommerce sector!