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Talent Management

Build, scale, and manage your team, all in one place.

Automate your job search

Stay top of mind with top talent

Make informed hiring decisions

Simplify the onboarding process

Your dream candidates are out there.
We can help you find them.

Our easy-to-use platform and real-time support makes it easy to grow your team on your terms.

Post open roles to 4,000+ job boards in a single click

Source and leverage employee referrals

Expand your reach with mobile-friendly applications

Nurture new hires and get real-time feedback

Collaborate at every stage of the hiring process

Understand your current and future hiring needs

Easily manage and schedule interviews

Ensure a seamless candidate experience

Streamline every part of your hiring process with customizable solutions built for every stage of your business.


Attract & hire

Get the tools you need to build and scale your team.

Streamline the talent acquisition process, from start to finish.

Custom benefit plans

Automate your entire
hiring process.

Stay agile and reduce time to hire with easy collaboration, real-time
candidate scoring, and timely feedback.


Google review

"We have been using Zuma for over 6 years. Great service, friendly staff, and personalized help when you call them!"

Alexa Gombert


Robust reporting

Make better hiring
decisions in less time.

Our pre-built data insights inform and improve your hiring process so you can hire quickly and with greater confidence. 

Optimized talent retention

Effortlessly attract and retain top talent.

Create a streamlined hiring experience that will help you attract and retain
highly qualified candidates.


Future-proof your company with tailored recruitment tools.

We can give you the tools and support you need to build a business–and team–that thrives..


End-to-end communications

Align your team with your company goals.

Easily manage the candidate experience so that your new hires understand and align with your company goals and values.

Get started with Zuma.

Onboard, pay, and support your employees with Zuma's easy-to-use platform.